Where There Is No Vision

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” 

Proverbs 29:18 KJV

  • Our nation and my own state of Oregon are suffering severely based up information from the U.S. Department of Labor. As of July, the nationwide unemployment rate is averaging 9% for the year; in Oregon that number is 9.8% for the year. That counts only those receiving unemployment.  Those numbers nearly double when you taking into account those who are underemployed and who have simply given up.  They stand at 16.5% nationally and 19.6%.
  • The number of families with parents needing work is frightening according to a report released by the Ann E. Casey foundation released on Wednesday August 17, 2011 based upon 2010 statistics. The national average is 11% and 13% for Oregon.
  • Nationwide 50,162,000 (16.6%) fellow Americans and 626.420 (16.8) fellow Oregonians are experiencing food insecurity. www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/hunger-studies/map-the-meal-gap.aspx

To our U.S. Senators and Representatives

United States Capitol

United States Capitol West Front - Photo Copyright John M. Kingey 2011

I live in Beaverton with my wife; we are both in our fifties, college graduates and Catholic Christians.  Since 2007, we have been battered by major health issues and 13 months of unemployment.   My wife is on disability, and has been since soon after our marriage 19 years ago.   Her Social Security Disability represents one third of our income.  My salary is twice the minimum wage. Our income is 66% less than in 2008.

I work for a social service agency in downtown Portland meeting the needs of homeless youth and the poor. I enjoy my job and get satisfaction from it.  I am writing for us, family, friends and those without a voice – the poor. 

Over the past weeks, we have watched with anger and now disgust at what has taken place in Washington DC.  They have shouted at each other and ‘played’ to their chosen news (propaganda) outlet or party base.  Scant examples of true governance or statesmanship existed. Listening and compromise was left to the 11th hour.

 “The penalty for failing to listen is to lose one’s history, one’s historical context, one’s binding values.  …, any group of people will begin to forget who they are.”   – Max De Pree, former Herman-Miller CEO

Our senators and representatives have forgotten they are public servants for all – not an interest group or rigid ideology.  They are representatives of all the people.  As Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35. 

Many along with their staff and prominent supporters have forgotten or never learned the following principles.  

  • “The political community is established to be of service (emphasis added) to civil society, from which it originates.” – Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, #417
  • The purpose of civil society is universal, since it concerns the common good (emphasis added), to which each and every citizen has a right in due proportion. – Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter Rerum Novarum, 1892, par. 134

The word ‘responsible’ has been used repeatedly during the debt limit debacle.  How can the ‘compromise’ deal, focused on cuts only and include provision for divisive, destructive battle over a balanced budget amendment, be described as responsible?    Revenue is off the table. 

The choice is now between defense spending and true common good.   John Boehner is seeking to “limit immediate reductions in the Pentagon budget and better protect it from future” – Monday’s Oregonian.

Where are justice and the poor’s voice heard?  Are Emma Lazarus’ words meaningless?

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. … I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Will the voice of the poor be heard or will it be silenced by power and greed?  Unemployment is at over 9% in the nation and our state.  One in five (20%) of Oregonians receive food assistance.  Where is the justice?  Who hears the cry of the poor? 

Those in Congress and especially John Boehner should know. Speaker Boehner is Catholic and graduated from a Jesuit school Xavier University.  The LORD has eyes for the just and ears for their cry.’ – Psalm 34:16.  The new super congressional committee is comprised of a total of twelve members – senators and representatives from eleven states.  According to their biographical information they are affiliated with seven denominations.

To men and women of good will:

12 to the 7th power logo

Copyright John M. Kingery 2011

The 12 to the 7th power campaign invites you to contact each of twelve congressional committee members to be a voice for the poor.  Ask twelve others to do the same.  By reaching seven levels, we can raise the voice of 35 million for the poor. Please go to the Live menu and select 12 to the 7th power item.

In Peace and Christ,

John M. Kingery

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