Jeremy – a life too short


A bronze memorial tree

Copyright 2011 - John M. Kingery

As you know, I work with the homeless and poor in downtown Portland, Oregon.  In late August, I attended a memorial service for one of our clients Jeremy (not his real name).  He was only twenty four years old.  Sadly, he leaves behind two young children and his girlfriend.

Life had not always been kind to him or him to it.   He had begun to change that in recent months.  Jeremy had moved into a new apartment, gained employment and I believe was going back to school.  On the surface, life was going well.  August 17, he took his own life.  We do not know why.

I was deeply troubled by this event.  Many of our clients I know by sight.  One of my co-workers who worked directly with Jeremy said,” It is ok to be sad.  That is part of being human.  You are a believer.  He is in a better place – heaven.”

At his memorial service, a letter he wrote was read to those assembled – family, friends and our staff.   I am paraphrasing a portion of what Jeremy wrote.

I like food.  Vegetables are good, but I still like meat the best.  The problem comes when the vegetables move into hamburger.  (Could he mean veggie burgers?) That is not right!  When I want a hamburger, I want a hamburger.

Truthful, honest and loving to all were used to describe Jeremy.  His friends remarked he was always there for them and loved children.  There were many tear shed that day by family, friends and staff, balanced by love and community.  Most of our clients would say, “There is no one who cares about us or loves us. “

It is not our place to judge Jeremy.  We called to “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate” – Luke 6:36.  That is for God to decide.

Please remember to love God, yourself and those you around daily.

God bless you all.



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