Is It Subversive?

Is It Subversive?

On this day in 1977, Rutilio Grande, SJ was martyred in El Salvador. He along with an old peasant and teenage boy were killed in a hail of gun fire. Grande was considered a “radical” for his commitment to the poor and vulnerable. “Very soon the Bible won’t be allowed to cross our borders. We will get only the bindings, because all the pages are subversive.”

Is it subversive to promote mercy and peace in our communities by implementing reasonable regulation on fire arms? Our Catholic Bishops support universal background checks for gun purchases, limiting civilian access to high capacity weapons and ammunition, outlawing gun trafficking. They support restorative justice legislation to help break people out of the cycle of violence. The Church support improved access to help for those with addiction and mental health needs.

Two weeks ago, I received active shooter training where I work. The presenter was a law officer of a local swat team. He acknowledged that access to semi-automatic weapons should be limited. The core issue is the lack of respect for all human life.

“Peace and violence cannot dwell together, and where there is violence, God cannot be present.” Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church – #488. (1 Chronicles 22:8-9)

What will you do to promote mercy and peace in your community today?

Peace, John


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