God Is Present – War and Peace:

God is always present. When we wake each morning, we should pray first and listen to His voice.

We hear of terrorist threats; lives being forever altered and fear. For many the response has been to call more violence and exclusion.  God is not calling for that and we should heed his call.

This morning I came across the following scriptures in my Give Us This Day – Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic prayer book.

“All too long have I dwelt with those who hate peace.  When I speak of peace, they are ready for war.”  Psalm 120: 6-7

“I will assemble the outcasts, and those who I am have afflicted.  I will make of the lame a remnant, and of the weak a strong nation.” Micah 4:6-7

What a contrast to the voices of fear and intolerance.   Let’s support each other and others who take up the cause of peace.

One of the morning intercessions was –

“Support the efforts of peacemakers, and inspire us to respond to conflict in peaceful ways.”

Blessings and Peace – John

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