Called to Stand

I attended George Floyd’s memorial service today via live stream.

At the end, Rev. Sharpton asked us to stand for 8 minutes 46 seconds. George Floyd was pushed face down with a knee to his neck, I could stand.

Then I felt pressure on my neck as I was reminded of the knee to Mr. Floyd’s neck. My pressure was momentary. The pressure of racism had been on his neck and other victims of racism for a lifetime.

I began to breathe to relieve the pressure. He could not breathe.

My body became cold as I continued to stand. George Floyd’s body became cold as he lay on the road with the officer’s knee on his neck.

George Floyd could no longer move after 8 minutes and 46 seconds of racism’s pressure; he died. I was able to move and live.

We are all created in God’s image. We all deserve life, liberty and the ability to pursue happiness.

Time to stand up and allow all to breath.

Peace, John

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