Encuentro Immigración/Encounter Immigration

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NOTE: Zoom session with panelists followed by question and answers. Date: Wednesday January 29th, Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

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Oración de apertura: Para el inmigrante y refugiado, el cambio puede requerir dejar atrás a la familia, los amigos y el hogar. Cuando hacemos espacio en nuestras vidas para dar la bienvenida a los recién llegados, también cambiamos.

     Respuesta: Oramos por la gracia del amor que echa fuera todo temor

Respuesta:  Oramos por la gracia de reconocer la presencia de Jesús en cada inmigrante y refugiado.

Canción de cierre: Gracias (feat. Aaron Moses & Blanca) | Maverick City Música | TRIBL (Opcional 9 mintos)

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Encuentro Inmigración/Encounter Panel Discussion

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Part 2

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Encounter Immigration/Encuentro Inmigración Zoom Sign up

Wednesday January 29th, Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

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Love Remains

We should love one another just as he commanded us.

The present form of the world passes away,

and there remains only the joy of having used this world to establish God’s rule here.

What does not pass away is love.

When one has turned money, property, work in one’s calling into service of others,

then the joy of sharing

and the feeling that all are one’s family

does not pass away.

St. Oscar Romero, The Violence of Love

Oscar Romero (1917–1980) became archbishop of San Salvador in 1977. A prophetic voice of the poor, he was martyred at the altar while saying Mass. Romero was canonized in 2018.

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Jimmy Carter – 1924 -2024

Jimmy Carter passed away on December 30th, 2024. He was compassionate and dedicated to peace.

I read an article about Jimmy Carter in early 1976 in my dad’s U.S. news and World Report magazine.

Who is this, Jimmy Carter?

I went and bought his book ‘Why not the Best.’  He wrote, ‘Our people are our most precious possession. We cannot afford to waste the talents and abilities given by God.’ Jimmy Carter was a man of faith and a politician. His faith informed his actions, but did not dictate them.

It was my senior year in the following year 1976 he would become president. I headed to New York to enroll in NYU.  Unfortunately, nothing had been done on my file since I was accepted; I had no money.  I took a gap year and worked for Macy’s.

Eventually I enrolled in Seattle University in the fall of 1977. Yes, clear across United States.  In American government class, I asked if peace talks between Israel and Egypt would ever come about and be successful. My professor emphatically said no; there were too many outside pressures and agendas.

Well on September 17th, 1978, the Camp David accords were signed by Menachem Begin, Anwar Sadat.  The first accord A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel led directly to the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty.  Sadly, the second A framework for peace in the Middle East never progressed.

Begin and Sadat signing the Accords

Jimmy Carter was a peacemaker there and in other parts of the world. He and his wife healed the sick around the world and sheltered the homeless.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa in Cairo, where The Carter Center brought together an unprecedented group of leaders committed to resolving the crisis in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu

President and Mrs. Carter help measure people’s heights to determine how many Mectizan® treatments should be received to prevent the parasitic disease river blindness

Jimmy and Roslyn Healing the Sick

Jimmy and Rosalyn building homes

‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’  Matthew: 5:16

‘For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me. ‘

Jimmy and Rosalyn were truly children of God.   I believe they are counted among the righteous now and for eternity.

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Missionary Disciples – Faithful Citizens

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Peace PazJohn Kingery

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Stop the Massacre and Hear the Truth

Listen to the words of Pope Francis

Pope Francis Stop the Massacre

Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s message to the Russian people and soldiers.


Remember Peace is a gift from God based upon truth, justice, love, and freedom. It is not gained by missiles, bombs or bullets.

Peace for Ukraine, Russia and the whole world!

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Mardi Gras: Pray for Peace

Mardi Gras:  Pray for Peace

Three Candles for Peace – Copyright John Kingery 2012

Today is Tuesday, March 1, 2022 the day before Ash Wednesday – Mardi Gras.  Traditionally it is time for partying and revelry.  Instead let us pray for and support peace in the Ukraine.

As the prophet Isaiah wrote,

“He shall judge between the nations and impose terms on many peoples. They shell beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning one nation shall raise the sword against another, nor shall they raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again.  O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!”  Isaiah 2:4-5.

Hundreds have been killed over the last few days, thousands have died over the last eight years, and potentially more senseless death may occur.    A 40 mile long convoy according to various news sources – NBC, BBC, CNN, Fox and others is heading to Kyiv. 

God halt the convoys of violence and death.

God turn the fuel propelling that convoy into water.

God make all the rockets, missiles, bullets and all weapons for war become brittle and crumble.

God touch the hearts of the Russian soldiers to choose the path of peace and return to Russia.

God touch the hearts of the Ukrainian soldiers and people to allow the Russian soldiers to leave.

God touch Vladimir Putin’s soul, mind and body freeing him from the darkness within.

God teach us your way of Peace.


In my Christian catholic faith, we have a powerful prayer called the rosary.   On Tuesday is when we prayer reflect on the five Sorrowful Mysteries the events leading to Christ’s death.    

During this time of great trial, it is fitting to pray and reflect on upon those sorrows and spiritual fruit.

  1. Agony in the Garden with its spiritual fruit of God’s will be done.
  2. Scourging at the Pillar with its spiritual fruit of Mortification of the senses.
  3. The Crowning with Thorns with its spiritual fruit of Reign of Christ in our heart.
  4. The Carrying of the Cross with is spiritual fruit of Patient bearing of trails.
  5. The Crucifixion with its spiritual fruit of Pardoning of injuries.

I invite you join in this prayer.  If you are not Christian or Catholic, please pray or mediate as you are moved by the divine spirit. A link to the Sorrowful mysteries is below.

We are called to be peace makers as Jesus taught –

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God” Matthew 5:9.


Peace John

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Being a light in the darkness

First, forgive me for the late notice. In this season of light, there are is still darkness to contend with. In 90 minutes, the commend period will close for responding to new rules for immigration court proceedings and granting continuances (postponing of a hearing). Please consider signing the letter below and I will do my best to submit in before 9:00 pm Pacific Time today.

Submitted on December 28,2020. Comment period is closed.

Lauren Alder Reid

Assistant Director, Office of Policy

Executive Office for Immigration Review

5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2616

Falls Church, VA 22041

RE: RIN 1125-AB03, EOIR Docket No. 19-0410, Dir. Order No. 02-2021,  

Public Comment Opposing Proposed Executive Office for Immigration Review Rule Titled “Good Cause for a Continuance in Immigration Proceedings”

As people of faith and good of will celebrate this season of light, we continue to stand against injustice in our country’s immigration system. 

 The proposed rules contained in “Good Cause for a Continuance in Immigration Proceedings:” 1125-AB03, EOIR Docket No. 19-0410, Dir. Order No. 02-2021 are examples of that injustice. 

They strip due process rights from noncitizens before the immigration court, and curtail immigration judges’ discretion to manage their cases in an individualized and fair manner.  The changes will have detrimental effect on the cases for:

  • DACA recipients,
  • Youth seeking Special Immigration Juvenile Status  (SIJS) from El Salvador, Honduras, or Guatemala, and Mexico due to the visa backlog,
  • Women seeking protection under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA),
  • U-Visa applicants who are victims of crime,
  • T Visa applicants who are victims of human trafficking.

Is that justice?  Is that protecting the most vulnerable?

The proposed rules listed below should not be inaccted.

  • 8 CFR § 1003.29(a):  Limiting immigration judges’ ability to grant no more than 180 days (6 months) for asylum cases in the absence of exceptional circumstances.
  • 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(2): Proposing a list of situations of that would not qualify for “good cause for continuance” including seeking parole, deferred action, or the exercise of prosecutorial discretion by DHS.  Immigration judges could enter removal orders for DACA applicants, Deferred Enforced Departure, humanitarian deferred action, parole in place, and prosecutorial discretion with DHS.
  • 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(3)(i), (ii): Individuals applying for immigrant visas and or waiting a change in status with approved petitions outside of the 180 days (6 months) of the VISA bulletin filing date will be denied. 
  • 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(3)(iii), (iv): Applicants for non-immigrant visas who do not receive visas within the 6 months of continuance request will face immediate removal orders
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(3)(v)):  Restricting Immigration Judge’s ability to grant continuance for cases where DHS has initial jurisdiction.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(4)(i), (ii):  Restrictions on continuances to secure representation allowing the judge to deny continuance and limit continuance to only 30 days.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(4)(iii):  Case load of representative is not considered “good cause for continuance.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(4)(iv)):  Only a single continuance of 14 days for case prehearing preparation will be allowed. This rule applies to respondents and their attorneys only; DHS attorney are not subject to the rule.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(4)(v):  Continuances will not be granted if representative did not disclose at time of hearing, or request was not sent to immigration court within 14 days of hearing.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(4)(vi):  Failure to appear by respondent’s attorney to appear at removal proceedings has a 14 day period for continuance regardless of reasons.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(5):  Immigration judges will be limited to 14 specific categories for granting continuances.
  • Proposed 8 CFR § 1003.29(b)(6):  Immigration Judges will only be able to grant continuances for a maximum of 30 days for  3 reasons for removal hearings.


John Kingery, Beaverton, OR, Catholic

Marilyn Grendele, Beaverton, Oregon, Cedar Hills United Church of Christ

Chris Kondrat, Portland, Oregon, Catholic

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