Encuentro Immigración/Encounter Immigration

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Zoom Preguntas y respuestas:

Preguntas de discusión.


Audience: Please reflect about these questions. For your safety do not share your answers during in the Zoom session.

Panelists: Please reflect on these questions. In addition to your individual presentations, you can share your responses during the Zoom session.

  1. What is your migration story?
  2. What roles or roles do you have in migration today?
  3. How we as community deal with the Immigration with intelligence, realism, and compassion?
  4. How can we as individuals and community do better?

Prior To Our 6:30 pm Start Time

Follow Zoom Meeting Instructions

  • You must have Zoom installed on your Phone, Tablet, or Computer.
  • You must be connected to the Internet Your device network or Wifi.
  • You access the zoom meeting by clicking go to zoom meeting below.
  • For panelists use the information on the invitation you received via email.
  • For audience – enter a number 1 – 99 for username with no password.
  • You will be placed in room. I will let you into the meeting one by one.
  • Please be patient.


  • The Zoom session is being recorded. Do not share any sensitive information about yourself or others.
  • Listen first and seek to understand.
  • Be curious and ask questions for clarification.
  • If you disagree with someone, remember that he/she is still a beloved child. of God who deserves our love, respect, and care.
  • Speak the truth with love and humility.
  • Use ‘I’ statements.
  • Transcend partisanship and polarization.

Go to zoom meeting

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