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Zoom Preguntas y respuestas:
Preguntas de discusión.
Audience: Please reflect about these questions. For your safety do not share your answers during in the Zoom session.
Panelists: Please reflect on these questions. In addition to your individual presentations, you can share your responses during the Zoom session.
- What is your migration story?
- What roles or roles do you have in migration today?
- How we as community deal with the Immigration with intelligence, realism, and compassion?
- How can we as individuals and community do better?
Prior To Our 6:30 pm Start Time
Follow Zoom Meeting Instructions
- You must have Zoom installed on your Phone, Tablet, or Computer.
- You must be connected to the Internet Your device network or Wifi.
- You access the zoom meeting by clicking go to zoom meeting below.
- For panelists use the information on the invitation you received via email.
- For audience – enter a number 1 – 99 for username with no password.
- You will be placed in room. I will let you into the meeting one by one.
- Please be patient.
- The Zoom session is being recorded. Do not share any sensitive information about yourself or others.
- Listen first and seek to understand.
- Be curious and ask questions for clarification.
- If you disagree with someone, remember that he/she is still a beloved child. of God who deserves our love, respect, and care.
- Speak the truth with love and humility.
- Use ‘I’ statements.
- Transcend partisanship and polarization.
If you do not understand these guidelines, please speak up.
If do not wish to follow the guidelines, do not enter the Zoom session.