Standing Rock – Trevor Hall

This so powerful and truthful.  Peace John

Standing Rock by Trevor Hall

To the east and west
To the north and south
Warrior Warrior

Gather every tribe
Mama needs you now
Warrior Warrior

Suits are moving in just to get their dollar
Treaties being broken no respect or honor

Listen close my friend
This is happening
Warrior Warrior

If you are a rock
Stand up like a mountain
Rise up from the earth
One Love One Message
I know that we are strong in spirit
And if you are the righteous, hear it
If you are a rock
Stand up like a mountain

Burn the sage and cedar
Spirit is the leader
Warrior Warrior

The clouds are getting heavy
Thunder Beings are ready
Warrior Warrior

Where the oil spills we cannot drink the water
Seven Generations all the sons and daughters

Gather all your friends
This is happening
Warrior Warrior

Water is Life
Life from the Water
Water is Life
Elders they taught us
Water is Life
Life from the Water

Click below for the video

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Beatitudes for Standing Rock

Water is Life - Mni Wiconi Photo (c) John M. Kingery

Water is Life – Mni Wiconi
Photo (c) John M. Kingery

The Beatitudes for Standing Rock

By John M. Kingery


Matthew 5:3 -12

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

                They are the 40% of Standing Rock residents living below the poverty line. They are the 86% who are unemployed.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

They are those who mourn the loss of their young people.  Forty percent (40%) committing suicide are 15 to 24 years old.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

                They are the Sioux who have had their great Sioux reservation reduced in size since 1868.  The Great Sioux Reservation once comprised all of present-day South Dakota west of the Missouri River, including the sacred Black Hills and the life-giving Missouri River.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

                The land taken from them was never approved by a vote of the Sioux nation as required by treaty. The U.S. Supreme Court concluded that “A more ripe and rank case of dishonorable dealings will never, in all probability, be found in our history.”  United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371, 388 (1980).

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

They traveled to Mandan County Jail on November 6. They forgave the police officers for any violent acts. They asked for forgiveness for any violence they may have done.  They entered the jail and fed the officers.

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

                They are praying, singing and drumming for dialogue and respect.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

                They are the elders, clergy and others gathering for peaceful dialogue and non-violence.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

                They are the approximately 300 injured including 26 seriously including an elder.  The elder suffered a cardiac arrest.

Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me.

              Ongoing prejudice means Native Americans must constantly fight for their rights.  They are praying to the Creator, God for strength.  They are God’s children and we called to stand with them.



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Is this Justice?

Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.  Laudato Si #217

Pray for these unarmed water protectors being attacked by water cannons, sound cannons and tear gas.  Temperatures are near zero. Read this now.

All the prayers you can say.  Call your senators, your priests, your friends.

Live Laudato Si and Stand with Standing Rock.

Peace, John Kingery

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The Year of Mercy: Journey from Mercy to Peace

The year of mercy is drawing to a close.  I shared the following at the St. Juan Diego Knights of Columbus #15729 fall dinner.

Year of Mercy Banner at St. Juan Diego Parish photo (c) John M. Kingery 2016

Year of Mercy Banner at St. Juan Diego Parish
photo (c) John M. Kingery 2016

Tomorrow, the election will be over.

On November, 20th, the Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close.  We were a called to “Be merciful as our Father is merciful”.    Luke 6:36

Called to perform works of corporal mercy – (1) feeding the hungry, (2) giving drink to the thirsty, (3) dressing the naked, (4) housing pilgrims, (5) visit the sick, (6) visit the imprisoned and (7) bury the dead.   Welcoming the marginalized by advising those in doubt, teaching the ignorant, admonishing the sinner and consoling the afflicted.  This year was as Pope Francis wrote, “The time has come has come for the Church to take up the call for mercy once more.”

Three questions for you to reflect upon

How did you begin the Year of Mercy?

How did you live the Year of Mercy?

Have changed as you traveled through the Year of Mercy?

Beginning the Year of Mercy

Pope Francis did not open the year in Rome.  He opened at the Cathedral of Bangui in Central African Republic.  Mercy is for the whole world.

Let us all implore peace, mercy, reconciliation, forgiveness and love. For Bangui, for the entire Central African Republic, for the whole world, for those countries experiencing war, let us ask for peace! Now, all together, let us ask for love and peace. All together: Doyé Siriri!

My wife Ann and I began the year by attending Saturday morning Mass at St. Juan Diego on December 8th.  Fr. Terry’s homily reminded us that Mary knows no borders and the God knows no borders.   Later that day, I traveled to the Muslim Educational Trust for the opening of their community center.  I marveled at the resolve of those attending to work for peace, understanding and reconciliation between all people.

Leaving early, I picked Ann up for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Pius X.   I waited, gazing at the crucifix hanging behind the altar.  Christ’s arms and hands are open.  “And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (John 12:32)  The year of Mercy was to involve pilgrimage.  You could say we went on a pilgrimage that Saturday.

Starting year in this manner helped me to experience God’s mercy and share that mercy with others who were not Catholic.  “May it open us to even more fervent dialogue so that we might know and understand one another better; may it eliminate every form of closed-mindedness and disrespect, and drive out every form of violence and discrimination.” 

Living the Year

As the year has progressed, I have had the opportunity to pass through two doors of Mercy.  The first was at the Grotto with Ann.  Along with passing through that door, we went to the mediation chapel.  I prayed for our country to come together to address the on-going violence.

Second, I was in Chicago attending a conference and passed through the door of Mercy at St. Xavier University. Again, I prayed for our nation.  At that conference, I met Deacon Randy Clement from Louisiana. He had lost his uncle (priest), niece (God daughter) and nephew (county sheriff) due to violent robberies, domestic violence and drug busts.  Through the pain, he has forgiven them.

“Be merciful as our Father is merciful”.

A month after the conference, Ann and I were involved in a head on-collision.  Air bags deployed and our car was totaled.  Every day since, we have prayed for the other driver that he turn from drugs, evil ways and dangerous acquaintances.  He too is worthy of God’s Mercy!

Have you changed?

I am more aware when I am judging others.  Mercy can be freeing.  God’s mercy is limitless.  Mercy and Justice come together in Love which leads to Peace.  There is still work to be done. That is important to remember.

What is coming?

Año de la bandera de la Misericordia. Photo (c) John M. Kingery 2016

Año de la bandera de la Misericordia.
Photo (c) John M. Kingery 2016

In our readings, we are moving from Luke’s Sermon on the Plain where “Be merciful as our Father is merciful” is found to Matthew’s Beatitudes Sermon on the mount where to “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.”

Along with closing out the Year of Mercy, I want to extend a personal invitation to join me on Sunday, Nov. 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Muslim Educational Trust, 10330 S.W. Scholls Ferry Rd., in Tigard for an evening dedicated to activism and reinvigorating the beloved community.

Finally, Jesus lamented for Jerusalem – As he drew near, he saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If this day you only knew what makes for peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:41-42

In Christ and Peace,   John



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Called to Be

Angel Calling Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

Angel Calling
Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

The election is over and regardless of you voted for; we still live in the same country.  More importantly we are Christians.  We not only worship the Lord at church, we are called to worship through working for justice, caring for the poor and oppressed.

In my heart is the calling and truth – “Be a voice for the poor and the vulnerable” and “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7.

Yes, remember the poor in our communities, nation and the world.  The vulnerable are not only the unborn.  The vulnerable are the homeless, the refugees, and people of color, Muslims, Native Americans, Hispanics and LGBTQ.  We are called to be a voice of truth, justice, love and freedom.

In the spirit of St. Pope John XXIII –

Truth builds peace when we sincerely acknowledge our rights, but also our duties towards others. 

Justice builds peace when we respect the rights of others and actually fulfill our duties towards them. 

Love builds peace when we feel the needs of others as our own and share what we have with others.

Freedom builds peace when we act according to reason and assume responsibility for our actions. 

We are called to see Jesus in everyone.   Never confront, but reach out and listen.

Peace, John

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Why the Cross

Christ leading the Way - Christus Garden at the Grotto Portland, Oregon Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

Christ leading the Way – Christus Garden at the Grotto Portland, Oregon
Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

When I was in Chicago Social Action Summer Institute in July 2016, I met Deacon Randy Clement from St. John – The Evangelist Catholic Church in Prairieville, Louisiana.   He is member of the cloud of witnesses to Christ’s love and mercy in this world.   Randy graciously gave me permission to share the following reflection – Why the Cross?

When I was in Chicago Social Action Summer Institute in July 2016, I met Deacon Randy Clement from St. John – The Evangelist Catholic Church in Prairieville, Louisiana.   He is member of the cloud of witnesses to Christ’s love and mercy in this world.   Randy graciously gave me permission to share the following reflection – Why the Cross?


My mind keeps struggling

with a question

that has my heart

in a quandary.

Did Jesus have to die on the cross?

I have been taught that he did

to appease a god

who was blood thirsty.

I don’t know if I want to worship

a god who sent his Son

to be a perfect sacrifice

by hanging him on a tree.


has always been hard to swallow

and even harder to chew upon

not liking the taste at all.

Jesus reveals a loving God

not a god who needs

the blood of his Son

to forgive us his creatures.

My heart flows and beats easier

when Christ becomes

the Way to live

and the Way to treat all.

I do think Jesus had to die

but not for atonement

but because he was true

to who he was.

Love can not hate

Love can not strike

Love can not smite

Love can only LOVE.

The Cross wasn’t for atonement

of sins so deep and wide

the Cross was for victory

when we trust love and not hate.

So as I continue

to follow the best I can

I hope that each day

I will love more and more like Him.

When I am in the midst of violence

directed toward me or friend or foe

I hope I too can die

instead of begetting more of the same.

If Jesus died just for my sins

then why did he walk the dirty roads

and eat with sinners like me?

Love not hate LIBERATES!

Deacon Randy Clement






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Journey to Peace

Mercy Like the Father - Chapel of Mary, The Grotto Portland, Oregon Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

Mercy Like the Father – Chapel of Mary, The Grotto Portland, Oregon
Photo (c) 2016 John M. Kingery

When I was in Chicago for the 30th Social Action Summer Institute in July 2016, I met Deacon Randy Clement from St. John – The Evangelist Catholic Church in Prairieville, Louisiana.   He is a member of the cloud of witnesses to Christ’s love and mercy in this world.   Randy shared the following at SASI and  has given me permission to share it here.

“The Journey to Peace is about my journey that started on my senior trip. I was with my classmates from Cathedral Prep when I got the news my Uncle Alcide a priest was killed. Then my godchild (also my niece) years later was killed by her husband and then Jeremy my nephew was killed in a drug bust (he was a sheriff deputy). It is my reflection of how God has been with me helping me to become a nonviolent person.”  Randy Clement, August 2016

Journey to Peace

Looking back I see the work of God in me

I see the Embrace of love in the midst of pain

I see the love of my friends a sacrament of Love

I see how this has become a journey of Peace.


I was hurting like I had never hurt before

May 7th, 1975 will always be etched in my soul

Once in my mind as the saddest day

Now in my soul as the onset of my journey to Peace.


The journey had me walk to see mercy from all sides

I saw the mercy of God reach into my soul

Praying a prayer that I didn’t start

A prayer that still resonates from by being.


Once again on June 11th, 2003 the pain appeared again

Mercy did too at the most inappropriate time

Reminding me it isn’t just for me

Calling me once again to pray for it’s grace.


It showed me the journey hadn’t ended

There was still more for me to do

The bleak sadness would become Joy

The Resurrection will flow as I spread the Gift of Mercy.


Then on the day of ashes it happened again

March 1, 2006 evil raised again its ugly head

Anger spewed from me in a moment of honest prayer

Mercy was nowhere to be found or so it appeared to me.


I prayed at the lifeless body of my flesh and blood

For Resurrection to manifest and save my sister from the pain

If nothing else give me some of her pain

Why oh why God have you allowed this again.


In my hermitage in silence I heard Jesus from the Cross

Enough is enough learn from me

Violence isn’t the way so pledge your life to my way

Forgive those who hurt you and let Mercy flow.


Oh this journey that I’m still on

Has taught me and moved me

To become a better person

To become an instrument of mercy and of love that wins.


I know I have work to do to become who I am called to be

I know now more than ever that forgiveness is the key

For holding on to hate and grudges only delays my movement

The steps away from the world into the Kingdom of Love.


Deacon Randy Clement



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Tears and Clouds

Tears and Clouds

Pieta in the Mediation Chapel at The Grotto is a National Catholic Shrine dedicated to Mary, Our Sorrowful Mother, which is a ministry of The Servite Friars – Order of Friar Servants of Mary. Photo (c) 2016 all rights reserved John M.Kingery

Pieta in the Mediation Chapel at The Grotto is a National Catholic Shrine dedicated to Mary, Our Sorrowful Mother, which is a ministry of The Servite Friars – Order of Friar Servants of Mary.
Photo (c) 2016 all rights reserved John M.Kingery

I am weeping, my wife weeps, and our nation weeps at the murders in Baton Rouge, St. Anthony and Dallas.  God is gathering those tears and those tears will return.

“For there will be a sowing of peace.  Do not be fear; let your hands be strong.”  Zechariah 12:12-13

Out of Darkness (c) 2016 all rights John M. Kinger

Out of Darkness (c) 2016 all rights John M. Kingery

Wear black today.  Know that peace will return.  We are called to sow peace with love, truth, justice and freedom.  Help me this day to show love.  Reach out to someone.  Through the darkness, we will pass.

Cloud of Witnesses (dog wood tree) - (c) 2016 all rights John M. Kingery

Cloud of Witnesses (dog wood tree) – (c) 2016 all rights John M. Kingery

Let us be a cloud of witnesses to peace!



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Where is the vision?


Without a vision the people lose restraint, but happy the one who follow instruction. Proverbs 28:19 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

The footnotes state “Vision” and “instruction” mean authoritative guidance for the community. People are demoralized without credible leadership.

As of this Monday, there have been 252 shootings resulting in 98 deaths and 197 injuries.   Two years ago, in the United States 51,819 shootings took place with 12,590 were killed and 23,025 injured.  Last year, 53,301 shootings took place, 13,433 died and 27,016 were injured.

These are not merely numbers; they are parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers.  Thru out our country, people are being injured and dying as the result of gun violence.   What voices were heard last week, year and over 2,000 years ago?

John Lewis, Georgia 5th District (c) 2016, John M. Kiingery

John Lewis, Georgia 5th District
(c) 2016, John M. Kiingery

A notable voice was Rep. John Lewis, Georgia 5th district he began the protest in the House of Representatives –

“We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence, tiny little children, babies, students and teachers, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence, tiny little children, babies, students and teachers, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, friends and neighbors . And what has this body done?  Mr. Speaker, nothing. Not one thing. We have turned a deaf ear. We have turned deaf ears to the blood of the innocent and the concern of our nation.” 

Full speech video –

Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin 1st District (c) 2016, John M.Kingery

Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin 1st District
(c) 2016, John M.Kingery

Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin 1st district and speaker of the House, was one of many voices in opposition.  “This is nothing more than a publicity stunt.”  He shut off cameras and then called the House back into session at 2:45 am on Thursday morning.  Speaker Ryan dressed in opened the session, but did not remain, instead he left the chamber.  Then Steve Womack, Arkansas 3rd district, serving as speaker pro tempore dressed in white eventually closed ended the session.  Night had become day; black had become white.

Steve Womack, Arkansas 3rd district (c) 2016, John M. Kingery

Steve Womack, Arkansas 3rd district
(c) 2016, John M. Kingery

PopeFrancisAddressCongressNine months earlier, another individual dressed in white was speaking from the rostrum of the House.  That individual was Pope Francis.  Speaking to the joint session of Congress, he asked a question and gave an honest answer about the selling of deadly weapons.  There is a global arms trade, but also a national arms trade.

Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society? Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money: money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade.”  Pope Francis, Address to the Joint Session, September 23, 2015.

As believers and people of good will, we can no longer be indifferent. Indifference and lack of commitment constitute a grave dereliction of the duty whereby each of us must work in accordance with our abilities and our role in society for the promotion of the common good, and in particular for peace, which is one of mankind’s most precious goods.”  Pope Francis, World Day of Peace 2016

Christ Hands Outstretched - St. Pius X (c) John M. Kingery 2015 All Rights Reserved

Christ Hands Outstretched – St. Pius X
(c) John M. Kingery 2015 All Rights Reserved

When Jesus was being arrested in the garden, what did He say?  Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Matthew 26:52

Contact your elected officials, religious leaders to provide leadership.  Talk to family, friends and neighbor about heeding the call to put the swords (guns) away.  We need common sense responses, not fear and hate driven stockpiling of arms!


John Kingery

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Mission and Mercy

Mission and Mercy

On June 16, I participated in a webinar How A Church On the Move Engages the World: Putting Mission and Mercy in Action featuring Joe Paprocki, DMin, National Consultant for Faith Formation for Loyola Press, a Jesuit Ministry in Chicago

This is an important topic in parishes, community, nation and the world today. Christ was on the move during his ministry, and Pope Francis has called the People of God to go out to the margins. That example and call is for all, especially at the parish level.

You can find the full recording of the webinar at the Roundtable of Diocesan Catholic Social Action Directors website.

Introduction: We are one family

Our church is in crises and dealing with the consequences of the sexual abuse scandals and in a sense political crises.   How does the Church engage the world again or more effectively and authentically?  That engagement and going out will take place at parish level.   Joe described parishes as the “ground level place for mercy to move out.”

At the parish level, we are one family that is always reaching out. We are called to invite others to our family and banquet. They all have place at the table.  As the song says, “All are welcome in this place.”  We may have differences and disagreement, yet we are united by the love of God.

Mercy is always extended. Thomas S. Rains in “Autopsy of a deceased Church” notes Jesus’ ministry was one of gathering and sending out.  All dead churches are inward instead outward focused.  Bringing the Good News and the Kingdom of God to the marginalized is forgotten; replaced by minutia and fear of reaching out.

How does the Church especially at the parish level be relevant and focus upon bringing Jesus to the people?

Develop a sense of urgency and engagement

Know the people in our parish and community through building relationships. Know who is suffering and their pain.  Reach out to them with a sense of urgency.  As a parish, we are called to be on fire.   We should review our media content – bulletin, website and social media.  Is it a means of reaching to the parish and wider community?  Does it reflect that reaching out?

Acknowledge our brokenness

We are not perfect, but we are broken. Our lives are not spent looking down, but lifting up and healing. Scrap generic and stale mission statements.  Replace them with following – We recognize our brokenness. We have found healing in Jesus.  We invite you to join us and do the same.  We go out into the world.

Be full of joy

We are free because we are healed. God’s mercy is so great and as source of our joy!  Our work in Social Action and Social Justice should be fueled by joy and not merely righteous anger.  Anger cannot sustain a positive attitude.  The journey has its trials.

I received a parting gift at the end of lay ministry retreat in May at the Griffin Center.   Attached was slip of paper –

Consequently, an evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from funeral! Let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm, that “delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing, even when it is in tears that we must sow…  Pope Francis, Joy of the Gospel. #10

                Rejoice in the Lord always, I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all.  The Lord is near.  Phil 4:4-5

For hymns of joy and music go to

Always inviting

Break down the barriers. Do not presume to know who is coming. Are we getting the word out?  Remember that mercy is always welcoming.

Commitment is required

What are you going to do and how can you help? Parishes have pledge cards – time, treasure and talent.  Consider discipleship cards – what will individuals do to spread the Good News and build the kingdom of God. “Pay, pray and obey”  is no longer is sufficient.

Mercy is our lived out belief. My thoughts – Eucharist is the gathering of the People of God to receive God’s mercy, love and strength.  Pope Francis suggests examining the Eucharist with three questions. How does that impact our lives?  How do we look at others?  Do we experience the grace of forgiveness and are we ready to forgive?  How is our community affected? 

Integrate and not indoctrinate

Get involved in with faith formation. Our faith is the way of love manifested in the sacraments lived out in the world.  Help our young people to learn, lead and do the work of Kingdom. Faith formation is more than memorization.  It is sharing the knowledge and acting upon it.

Focus on the Poor

Identify and meet the needs of the poor at St. Juan Diego and beyond.

Choose Life

Promote a consistent ethic of life through all stages of life – conception, birth, childhood, adulthood and end of life.   It does not mean all are equivalent, but we are called to address them consistently.

Peace, John M. Kingery


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