Jesus suffers with victims of hunger and loneliness


Cross - photo John Kingery (c) 2013

Cross – photo John Kingery (c) 2013

Station 7: Jesus Falls the Second time (Key Bank)

Theme: Jesus suffers with victims of hunger and loneliness

Tema: Jesús sufre con las víctimas del hambre y la soledad

Scripture: Isaiah 53:4-6

It was our weaknesses that he carried, our sufferings that he endured, while we thought of him as stricken, as one struck by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins; upon him was the punishment that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed. We had all gone astray like sheep, each following his own way; but the Lord laid upon him the guilt of us all.

Reflection by Dr. Larry Snow of the Murray Hills Christian Community:

Every day, almost 16,000 children worldwide die from hunger-related causes. That’s one child every five seconds who is laid in the tomb.  More than one in five children lives in households that struggle to put food on the table. That’s 16.2 million children.

In the United States, hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food. There is more than enough food to feed everyone.  But this does not matter if customers have no money in their pockets. Poverty spoils every meal. We live in the world’s wealthiest nation. Yet 15.1 percent of people living in the United States live in poverty.

24% of the students in the Beaverton School District qualify for free and reduced lunches.  That is a lot of poverty right here in our backyard.  We see these kids and their families in our food pantries. We know them by name.

Prayers: We thank you for the abundance of love and forgiveness which flows from you to all of us.  WE THANK YOU, LORD

Petitions: Let us pray for those who eat and gather at the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, Elsie Stuhr Center, Faith Cafe, St. Mark’s Lutheran, and through Meals on Wheels, that they also find community and be treated with dignity and respect.  O GOD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

Let us pray for world leaders, that they may intensify their commitment to end world hunger. O GOD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

In the coming week we will eat simply and with gratitude, remembering those who do not have enough.  O LORD, WE WANT TO WALK IN YOUR WAYS


Song: “Jesus Remember Me” (repeat as needed)

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