Jesus stands with the homeless

Station 10: Jesus Dies on the Cross (Apartments)

Theme: Jesus stands with the homeless

Tema: Jesús está con los que están sin casa 

Scripture: Luke 23: 44-46

He said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.

Reflection by Willamette West Habit for Humanity:  Every day in Washington County, low income, hard working families struggle to find affordable housing. The recession, job insecurity, unemployment and rapidly rising rents force families to live in unsafe, unhealthy and overcrowded conditions. Families are forced to move frequently – children transfer from school to school making it difficult to receive a quality education. In Washington County, an average of one student in every classroom is homeless. And so the cycle of poverty continues.

Believing shelter is a matter of conscience, Habitat for Humanity works to eliminates poverty housing and homelessness one house, one family at a time. Beginning in 2008, the St. Pius X Community has sponsored two homes with Willamette West Habitat for Humanity. We worked alongside the Martinez family of four and the Monterroso family of five. Today both families are homeowners, living in simple, decent and affordable Habitat for Humanity built homes.

This year we will again sponsor a home as part of an Interfaith Build at Ramble Glen. Annually, 300 families apply for a Habitat home with Willamette West, yet current funds can only support 5-6 homes a year. Let us pray that more of God’s people will hear the call to work tirelessly to eradicate the social injustices of poverty housing and homelessness.

Prayers: We thank you for the homes we have, and remember that our resources are a gift from you.  


Petitions: Let us pray for those left homeless after the recent natural disasters in Japan and elsewhere through natural or man-made calamities and to remember that they need our help.


Palm Cross - Photo copyright 2012 John M. Kingery

Let us pray for Habitat For Humanity, who in our own community and around the world work with our neighbors to build sustainable houses and neighborhoods for the working poor.


We commit ourselves to see the homeless, and to support organizations who work to alleviate homelessness.  O LORD, WE WANT TO WALK IN YOUR WAYS

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